Animals that can lift 1000 times their body weight

Paul Anderson is considered the most powerful man in the world. They could carry eight people simultaneously on their backs.

It is said that in 1957, Anderson lifted 2.8 tons of weight on his back. Due to this, a world record was also in his name for some time. Later, due to lack of evidence, this record was taken away from him.

Many people tried, but no one could even come close to replicating Paul Anderson’s feat. Even the thought of a person lifting that much weight is useless.

But there are many animals, which are known for lifting heavy weights. For example horses. There are many breeds of horses that have been used to carry heavy loads. Like Packhorse, Shire Horse and Clydesdale etc.

Scientists have created these new breeds by cross breeding different breeds of horses, which can lift heavy weights. These weight lifting horses are called ‘Drought Horses’ in English.

It is said that the Industrial Revolution was successful in England only with the help of these horses. When these horses pulled train coaches, logs and wagons from one place to another.

Even when James Watt in England built the first steam engine, he used horse power as the scale to measure its power.

According to James Watt, a horse can lift 15 tons of weight in one minute. At first people considered this measurement wrong. But in a research conducted in 1993, James Watt’s guess was found to be very close to the truth.

Draft horses are still used in many liquor factories. The Forest Department in England also uses these horses for many types of work. Many people come to see the strength of these horses.

Apart from horses, elephants are also known for lifting heavy weights. For centuries, humans have been using elephants to transport heavy goods. Be it East Asian countries or India and Sri Lanka, in many places goods are transported using elephants.

In India, the entire railway network was laid with the help of elephants. This also became the reason for his elimination. The skeleton of most mammals constitutes ten percent of their body weight. But in elephants this number is 20 percent. This is why they can lift more weight.

Then the trunk of elephants is also very useful in lifting heavy objects, which is made up of 1.5 lakh muscles. It is said that an elephant can lift 300 kg weight with its trunk alone. African elephants are larger than Asian elephants. That’s why they can lift even more weight.

But you will be surprised to know that in terms of lifting weight, the elephant is far behind even some small animals.

Ants are far ahead in this matter. They can lift ten to fifty times more weight than their own body. One species of ant, ‘Oecophilia samaradina’, is said to be able to lift weights 100 times its own weight.

Humans, horses or elephants carry weight through their back. Whereas ants use their jaws for this, which are very powerful.

Apart from ants, ladybugs are also known to lift many times more weight than themselves. For example, a beetle named Hercules Beetle is known to lift 850 times more weight than its body. However, this claim cannot be verified.

Roger Cram of Colorado University, America tried to find out the truth of this claim. They found that the Hercules beetle could only lift objects 100 times heavier than its own weight. This is also surprising.

In 2010, another species of beetle, Onthophagus taurus, got the record of the world’s most powerful beetle. These insects living in cow dung can pull objects 1141 times heavier than themselves. Rob Nel of London University had discovered this.

If any other creature can compete with the ladybug, it is the termite. Which weighs only 100 micrograms. According to a research conducted in 2007, termites can bear a load 1180 times heavier than their own weight and can pull objects 540 times heavier than themselves.

The scientific reason behind these insects being so powerful was discovered by the Italian scientist Galileo Galilei.

According to them, their size is small, so these creatures do not have to exert that much effort to support their weight. That is why these small creatures can lift or pull weight many times greater than themselves.

In comparison to these, a lot of the energy of larger animals is spent in supporting their weight. That is why they are not able to lift much weight in proportion to insects. Insects are small so they require less energy. That’s why they pull things heavier than themselves.

If these animals become the size of humans or other animals, then they will also have difficulty in lifting more weight. Perhaps they may not be able to bear the weight of their own body.

This means that even before today’s most powerful animals, there have been extremely powerful animals on earth. Like dinosaurs. But they too would be helpless in front of their body.

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